Friday, March 12, 2010

farewell drift unicorn.

on wednesday morning at 12:45am the drift unicorn was pulled over, this time it was different from all others....after being threaten to be towed i got off with a pretty gnarly ticket and i will be appearing in court to fight it for the un-justice behind it. today the unicorn went under deconstruction and now is stock for inspection by the court, after this blows over i will be looking for a daily and the drift unicorn will be retired from street driving.

SLAMBURGLARS: farewell from ivan camacho on Vimeo.

4+ years or so of street driving, from getting stuck in drive ways, to almost dying....she will be missed.<3

btw i dont want to sell her unless someone offers me a nice penny.

-ivan the terrible

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

for the thrill of it

i thought i fixed the shitty quality of film...i guess not. fuuuh it, the track is hot & we had a lot of fun in SF

whiz khalifas- the thrill

SLAMBURGLARS: SBxSF from ivan camacho on Vimeo.

-ivan the terrible

Monday, March 1, 2010

this photo

pretty much sums up wekfest.

professor's country album dropping next month.


-durty harry