Sunday, March 15, 2009

day in the life of a slamburglar

the day started off with me, dirty harry and the proffesor chillin at harry's work. he later rolled out to get something and got stuck going up the driveway and the open diff didnt help haha

then i was rollin home and i see a cop pointing his radar gun at me rollin down the 101 so i look back and see his ass hop in his car and begin persuit of my car. i got pulled over at in n out and hood popped then let off if i change my tire cuz its worn pretty bad lol

73 bug emailed me back and looks like ima pick it up [: !


  1. I like how I always look like a retard standing off to the side.

  2. that is really true, will is always standing to the side haha wierd.
    dirty: your diff needs to be put on along with many other things

  3. yeah and putt your diff in from the other miata. butt head.
