1. If your car is drivable, you're not low enough.
2. We use pinch welds for parking brakes.
3. Slamburglars don't get stuck on speed bumps, speed bumps get stuck on Slamburglars.
4. Because its not cool to be high.
5. What's "out of spec"?
6a. There is no such thing as too low.
6b. There is no such thing as low enough.
7. It's not so bad being down & out.
8. slamburglars, aka THE FRAME BANG GANG.
9. Doin things, Cuttin springs.
10. Doin work, Scrapin dirt.
11. Slamburglars have their passengers sit in the back left and rub in the front right.
12. Oil pans are scheduled maintenance.
13. Wheel gap is for ///M owners.
14. It's nice to MEAT you.
15. Innocent until proven GUILTY.
16. Beware of the liftburglars.
17. The home of bad taste and poor geometry.
18. Our nightmares consist of potholes and speed bumps.
19. Like your SAT scores....so low you cant go anywhere.
20. Scraping more pans than the food network.
21. thuggish ruggish tire scrubin.
22. never doubt The Professor.
23. turning heads for all the wrong reasons.
24. Low Ballin and Street Crawlin.
25. If it's not slammed, what's the point?
26. perches are for birds, collars are for dogs.
27. aka the pan slam clan
28. SlamBurglars cant light bon fires
29. aka the street chic geeks.
31. Mean cars and Nice kids.
32. aka low-slung neo-rods
33. aka the street fabulous automotive aesthetics club